Cinema Troisi
ITA: Ospitato all’interno dell’edificio dell’ex GIL, progettato nel 1933 da Luigi Moretti e inaugurato nel 1937, il Cinema Troisi è uno spazio unico nel panorama europeo: una storica sala cinematografia da 300 posti dotata delle tecnologie di proiezione più all’avanguardia, di un foyer-bar, di una luminosissima terrazza, di uno spazio polifunzionale per mostre ed eventi e di un’aula studio – biblioteca con 80 postazioni, aperta 365 giorni all’anno, 24 ore su 24. L’intero progetto è stato oggetto di un elaborato lavoro di restauro che gli architetti hanno portato avanti in dialogo costante con la Committezza e con la supervisione della Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma. Una preziosa opera di restauro e risanamento conservativo che grazie a ricerche di archivio ed indagini meticolose condotte durante la fase di cantiere ha portato alla luce materiali originali e restituito all’intero edificio molte delle sue caratteristiche spaziali come la circolarità funzionale degli ambienti e la specularità delle parti. Quest’ultima ottenuta grazie al ripristino della grande vetrata della terrazza che affaccia sul cortile interno, realizzata in ferro finestra e da cui è possibile ammirare la scala elicoidale di Luigi Moretti ormai simbolo riconoscibile dell’architettura del 900.
La ricerca e la cura dei materiali hanno così portato alla luce i masselli in travertino della scala esterna d’ingresso, le lastre quadrate di bardiglio ed i rilievi in stucco sui fianchi delle travi nello spazio oggi destinato a mostre ed eventi. Non sono però mancanti gli elementi innovativi introdotti sapientemente grazie ad un’attenta progettazione, come gli arredi del foyer e della sala lettura, realizzati su misura dagli artigiani e inseriti in un contesto volto a valorizzare ogni singolo aspetto.
Il progetto è stato segnalato tra i migliori progetti del 2021 da Archello
EN: The Cinema Troisi has a unique place in the European panorama. It occupies the EX GIL, which was previously the fascist centre for youth projected in 1933 by the architect Luigi Moretti, inaugurated in 1937. It is a re-opened cinema in the centre of Rome that seats 300 people, adopting avant-garde projection technology. It comprehends a reading room for 80 people open 24 hours a day every day of the year, a foyer-bar, a terrace and a multifunctional space for exhibitions and events.
The whole project was an elaborate work of restoration carried out in constant contact with the client under the supervision of the Rome Special Board of Archeology for Fine Arts and the Landscape.
A precious work of conservative restauration respecting the original project that after research in the archives and initial meticulous investigation brought to light original material, giving back its characteristics of how space had been conceived, in particular the circular symmetric use of space. This was possible by recreating the large iron window over the terrace that looks onto the inner court, giving a view of Luigi Moretti’s spiral staircase, which has become a symbol of 1900 architecture.
Care was taken over the materials and research carried out that revealed the external steps in travertino marble at the entrance, the squared flooring in bardiglio marble and the decorative stucco on the side of the beams in the multifunctional space dedicated to exhibitions and events. Innovative elements however were also skillfully introduced thanks to an attentive project, such as the furnishings in the foyer and the reading room, made to measure by artisans with the result that all the features are highlighted.
The project is part of Archello's Best Projects of 2021.
La ricerca e la cura dei materiali hanno così portato alla luce i masselli in travertino della scala esterna d’ingresso, le lastre quadrate di bardiglio ed i rilievi in stucco sui fianchi delle travi nello spazio oggi destinato a mostre ed eventi. Non sono però mancanti gli elementi innovativi introdotti sapientemente grazie ad un’attenta progettazione, come gli arredi del foyer e della sala lettura, realizzati su misura dagli artigiani e inseriti in un contesto volto a valorizzare ogni singolo aspetto.
Il progetto è stato segnalato tra i migliori progetti del 2021 da Archello
EN: The Cinema Troisi has a unique place in the European panorama. It occupies the EX GIL, which was previously the fascist centre for youth projected in 1933 by the architect Luigi Moretti, inaugurated in 1937. It is a re-opened cinema in the centre of Rome that seats 300 people, adopting avant-garde projection technology. It comprehends a reading room for 80 people open 24 hours a day every day of the year, a foyer-bar, a terrace and a multifunctional space for exhibitions and events.
The whole project was an elaborate work of restoration carried out in constant contact with the client under the supervision of the Rome Special Board of Archeology for Fine Arts and the Landscape.
A precious work of conservative restauration respecting the original project that after research in the archives and initial meticulous investigation brought to light original material, giving back its characteristics of how space had been conceived, in particular the circular symmetric use of space. This was possible by recreating the large iron window over the terrace that looks onto the inner court, giving a view of Luigi Moretti’s spiral staircase, which has become a symbol of 1900 architecture.
Care was taken over the materials and research carried out that revealed the external steps in travertino marble at the entrance, the squared flooring in bardiglio marble and the decorative stucco on the side of the beams in the multifunctional space dedicated to exhibitions and events. Innovative elements however were also skillfully introduced thanks to an attentive project, such as the furnishings in the foyer and the reading room, made to measure by artisans with the result that all the features are highlighted.
The project is part of Archello's Best Projects of 2021.